#include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { for(int i=1;i<=9;++i) { for(int j=1;j<=9;++j) { printf("%dx%d=%d\n" , i , j , i*j); } } return 0; }
List of Top 3 Hills
#include<iostream> #define element 10 using namespace std; int height[element]; int number; int main() { for(int i=0;i<element;++i) { cin >> height[i]; } for(int i=0;i<element;++i) { for(int j=i;j<element;++j) { if(height[i]<height[j]) { number = height[i]; height[i] = height[j]; height[j] = number; } } } printf("%d\n%d\n%d\n",height[0],height[1],height[2]); return 0; }
Digit Number
#include<iostream> int a, b, n, m; int main() { while(std::cin>>a>>b) { n = a + b; m = 1; while(n>=10) { n=n/10; ++m; } printf ("%d\n",m); } return 0; }
Is it a Right Triangle?
#include<iostream> unsigned short a, b, c; int m; bool flag; int main() { std::cin >> m; for(int i = 0;i < m;++i) { std::cin >> a >> b >> c; if (a==0||b==0||c==0) { continue; } flag = false; if((a*a)+(b*b)==(c*c)) { flag = true; } else if((a*a)+(c*c)==(b*b)) { flag = true; } else if((b*b)+(c*c)==(a*a)) { flag = true; } if(flag==false) { printf("NO\n"); } else { printf("YES\n"); } } return 0; }
Simultaneous Equation
#include<iostream> #include<math.h> double a, b, c, d, e, f; int main() { while(std::cin>>a>>b>>c>>d>>e>>f) { double x = (e*c-b*f)/(a*e-b*d); double y = (-d*c+a*f)/(a*e-b*d); printf("%.3lf %.3lf\n",x+(1e-10),y+(1e-10)); } return 0; }
#include<iostream> using namespace std; int a, b; int change; int GCD(int m, int n) { if((0==m)||(0==n)) { return 0; } while(m!=n) { if(m>n) { m=m-n; } else { n=n-m; } } return m; } int LCM(int m,int n) { if((0==m)||(0==n)) { return 0; } return m/GCD(m,n)*n; } int main() { while(cin>>a>>b) { printf("%d %d\n",GCD(a,b),LCM(a,b)); } }
Reverse Sequence
#include<iostream> using namespace std; char str[20]; int main() { cin>>str; for(int i=0;i<20;++i) { if(str[19-i]!=0) { printf("%c",str[19-i]); } } printf("\n"); }
Debt Hell
#include<iostream> using namespace std; double money = 100000; int i; int main() { cin>>i; for(i;i>0;--i) { money *= 1.05; money = (long)(money/1000+0.99)*1000; } printf("%.0lf\n",money); }
Sum of 4 Integers
#include<iostream> using namespace std; int n; int count; int main() { while(cin>>n) { for(int i=0;i<=9;++i) { for(int j=0;j<=9;++j) { for(int k=0;k<=9;++k) { for(int l=0;l<=9;++l) { if(i+j+k+l==n) { ++count; } } } } } cout<<count<<endl; count = 0; } }
Prime Number
#include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int n; while(cin>>n) { int count = 0; bool *flag = new bool[n+1](); for(int i=2;i<=n;++i) { if (flag[i]) { continue; } for(int j=i*2;j<=n;j+=i) { flag[j] = true; } } flag[0]=true; flag[1]=true; for(int i=0;i<=n;++i) { if(!flag[i]) { ++count; } } cout<<count<<endl; } }
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